Saturday, June 23, 2012

3D Paintings

-Elmers glue (when I do this again I'll use puffy paint - see step 2)
-Stencils + pencil
-Acrylic paint + brush
-Clear acrylic coating spray
 Step 1:
Trace your quotation in whatever arrangement you would like.  I chose to use different sized letters to emphasize certain words.  If you are good at free-handing, you could draw lines to make sure your text is straight and make your own font.
 Step 2:
Apply glue on top of the stenciled letters. I chose to do an additional layer after the first one had dried to have further 3D-effect.  The next time I do this, I will use puffy paint or thicken the glue to allow for a more even application. Elmers glue by itself does not retain it's original shape and tends to bubble out a little bit. It worked out just fine though.
 Step 3:
After the glue is completely dry, apply your acrylic paint evenly on the entire canvas. I used leftover greens from a painting I had just finished, but a solid color would look good too.  It helps to detail around the letters with a small brush first, then use a large brush for the rest of the color.

You could finish your project here, but I chose to add more contrast by painting the words with a different color.
Step 4: 
When the base color is completely dry, carefully paint over the raised letters with a small brush. I chose to use two different shades of brown to further emphasize words. After that paint was dry, I sprayed the entire painting with a clear acrylic finish for further protection and added shine.

Now you have a fun, unique creation to display in your home! The best part of this project is that you get to choose your quote and your colors!  I am thinking that I will experiment with this technique on the small square canvases I use for fridge magnets.  Have fun and happy painting!

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