Saturday, August 11, 2012

Chicken Wonton Tacos

Chicken Wonton Tacos
I love finding new ways to recreate classics- even mixing different ethnic foods to make a hybrid.  I was at an Applebee's and tried one of their newer menu items called "Wonton Tacos."  The picture of the dish looked tasty so I thought, "Why not?  Half off Apps."  They turned out great and it got my wheels turning.  It took awhile to think of the best ingredient combination but I think I nailed it.  Wait!  I did nail it!  (Haha, sorry to toot my own horn)  Baking the wontons for a healthier choice, the sweet and spicy taste of the chicken, and the homemade Asian vinaigrette creates so many different flavors in each bite you'll notice your eyes widen with surprise.  These are great as an appetizer or a main food item.  Enjoy!

-  8 Wonton wrappers
-  2 Chicken breasts (cubed)
-  1/4 Cole slaw mix (Confetti slaw)
-  Thai style sweet chili sauce
-  2 Green onions
-  1/4 Red onion
-  Crushed garlic
-  Ground ginger
-  Crushed red pepper flakes
-  Peanut oil
-  Sesame oil
-  Soy sauce
-  Rice Vinegar
-  Sugar
-  Cooking spray
-  Salt and pepper

*Note:  I don't measure ingredients when I cook.  I will do my best to estimate but use your judgement.

1.  Cut chicken breasts into small cubes.  Place chicken into a gallon size plastic freezer bag.  Pour in about 1/2 cup peanut oil over the chicken, plus 1 tbsp crushed garlic, 1 tbsp ground ginger, and some black pepper for taste.  Close bag and mix around with your hands.  Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to marinate.
2.  Asian Vinaigrette - 1/2 cup peanut oil, 1/4 cup rice vinegar, 2 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 2 tbsp crushed garlic, 1 tbsp ground ginger, 1/2 cup sugar, salt and pepper to taste.  Whisk and set aside.

3.  Preheat oven to 425˚.

1.  Lightly spray wonton wrappers with cooking spray.  Lay over a deep baking pan with corners pointing down (see picture).  Place into preheated oven and cook for 12-15 minutes or until wontons are light brown in color.

2.  In a large wok pan, cook chicken on medium-high heat until chicken is cooked all the way through. Add in a little soy sauce towards the end of the cooking process (1 tbsp).  Once chicken is cooked, lower heat, add in chopped green onions and stir.  Pour in some Thai chili sauce over the chicken and mix.

3.  Put cole slaw in a separate bowl.  Add in diced red onion to cole slaw mix (keep onion count even between green onions and red onions, about 1:1).  Remix vinaigrette and pour over cole slaw mix.  Pour in a little at a time, mix together and taste to make sure it is dressed lightly.

4.  To serve, place chicken in in bottom of wonton then add cole slaw on top.

(Makes 2 Servings)

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