Monday, June 4, 2012

Homemade Dipping Oil

Homemade dipping oil for bread
Great for dinner parties, gifts, and any occasion!

Ingredient list:
-2 sprigs parsley (left unchopped for aesthetic appearance)
-1/2 T balsamic vinegar
-8 medium basil leaves, chopped 
-1/2 t dried thyme + 1 whole sprig thyme (fresh or dried) for accent
-1 t crushed garlic
-1 t oregano, chopped
-1 1/2 t crushed red pepper flakes
-Oil of your choice - I used extra virgin olive oil and canola oil
-1 bottle with cap (I used a cleaned Mike's Hard Lemonade bottle, but you can buy bottles at any craft store or reuse old clear bottles)

Note: I used a combination of fresh, frozen, and dried herbs. I use freshly picked from an herb garden if at all possible, but you can use whatever combinations you have.  Also, you can experiment with different amounts of each ingredient; mine are roughly measured.

After preparing all of the ingredients, place the herbs in your bottle except for the parsley sprigs and thyme sprig.

 Pour in oil using a funnel. I used 3 parts olive oil, one part canola oil.Place lid tightly on bottle, shake to mix ingredients thoroughly.  Let the herbs settle to the bottom for an hour or so, then add the parsley and thyme sprigs.  I decided I didn't like the whole basil leaves, so I fished them out, chopped them up, and put them back in.

Cover the lid with fabric, ribbon, whatever you want to accent. I used a bit of crumpled paper bag.  Secure with rubber band, twine, hemp, ribbon, ect.   I added a tag with the date and the ingredients listed on the back.  

Let the mixture age for better flavor, then break out the next time you want to impress guests.  Pour into shallow dipping dish; pair with a loaf of freshly baked bread.  Enjoy!

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